OpenRoads Designer Help

Create From Elements

Used to create a terrain model from 3D graphical elements that is ruled.

You can access this tool from the following:

  • Ribbon: Terrain > Create

Ruled Terrains update dynamically if the source elements are changed. Each element or group of elements of a terrain feature type can be selected individually or via selection set. This tool is useful if the elements do not have consistency symbology or attributes (where the Create From Graphical Filter Group tool may be a better option). After the terrain model is created from the first grouping of elements, the software prompts to append another terrain feature (by defining another selection set of elements) or to create another terrain model. The models are named Terrain Model (Element), Terrain Model (Element) 1, etcetera.

Workflow With Predefined selection set:

  1. Define a selection set of all elements of a type (example all break lines) to be made into a terrain model.

  2. Select the tool. A prompt is displayed indicating how many elements are in the selection set. Data point to accept.

  3. At the prompt set the type of elements being extracted (example, break lines, points, voids).

  4. Enter edge options.

  5. Terrain is created and the Add or Remove Feature tool is automatically opened, so you can append to the newly created TM.

Workflow Without Predefined selection set:

  1. Select the tool.

  2. When prompted, select the first element to be included. Continue selecting elements, then reset to complete the prompt and move to the next step.

  3. Set the type of elements being extracted (example, break lines, points, voids).

  4. Enter edge options.

  5. Data point to accept.

Terrain model is created.

See also

Feature Type

Edge Method
